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CIHQ Newsroom

» Newsroom Table of Contents | Edition: February 24, 2025

Partner Webinar: March 11, 2025 - From Rust to Trust: Strategies for IPs to Impact Patient Safety With Top-Notch Surgical Instruments

Join Advantage Support Services, Inc. as we explore how damaged instruments impact surgical site infection (SSI) rates and share solutions for improving instrument quality. Understanding the Sterile Processing Department (SPD) is essential for ensuring high standards in instrument care. Utilize assessment tools to identify and address potential issues in SPD and associated departments. Regular audits and rounding help maintain instrument quality and promote continuous improvement. Establish strong relationships with instrument vendors for timely repairs and replacements. Educate and train surgical teams on the importance of instrument maintenance and clear communication.

By adopting these strategies, healthcare facilities can reduce SSI risks and improve patient outcomes. Let's work together to elevate surgical services and patient care.

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Advantage Support Services, Inc. Logo

Partner Spotlight: Guiding Patients

The gateway to informed choice for after-hospital healthcare. Free and public-facing with unlimited access to over 30,000 nationwide providers including home health, inpatient rehab, and skilled nursing facilities, all searchable with the click of a button. Check out each provider's insurance coverage, locations served, clinical specialties, pictures, virtual tours and more, today on

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Partner Article: Quality Assurance Performance Improvement provided by HealthTech

Quality is not something that happens in a vacuum. Improving quality outcomes and improving patient safety requires the focus and engagement of the governing board, providers, leaders, staff as well as patients and their families.

The Institute of Medicine defines health care quality as: "...the degree to which health care services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge."

AHRQ Healthcare Quality Domains include...

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HealthTech Logo

CIHQ Goes to Conference Quality Kentucky: Health Care Quality Improvement Conference

March 17- 19 at the Marriott Lexington Griffin Gate Golf Resort & Spa It’s not luck – it’s quality!

CIHQ will provide the keynote speaker for the Kentucky Hospital Association’s 2025 Healthcare Quality Improvement Conference celebrating the relentless pursuit of quality in Kentucky. is dedicated entirely to the quality programs in which KHA and member hospitals are currently engaged. Hospital teams can access resources, toolkits, recordings of educational events and more. Community members can see the hard work Kentucky’s hospitals are doing to improve they care they provide.

Don’t miss your chance to draw inspiration and insights from peers across the Commonwealth whose commitment to quality is as passionate as your own!

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Quality Kentucky Logo

CIHQ Goes to Conference HCCA: Health Care Compliance Association

CIHQ will attend the Health Care Compliance Association's 29th Annual Health Care Compliance Institute 29th in Las Vegas, NV from April 28 to May 1, 2025. For over two and a half decades, healthcare compliance professionals have gathered at HCCA’s Compliance Institute (CI) to share ideas, learn about the latest compliance issues, best practices, and emerging trends, and make key industry connections to drive compliance program and career success.

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Health Care Compliance Association Logo

CIHQ Goes to Conference COLA: Laboratory Enrichment Forum

CIHQ will attend COLA's Annual Laboratory Enrichment Forum on May 6 – 8 Gila River Resorts in Chandler, AZ. COLA will provide an engaging opportunity to share ideas with a diverse group of professionals committed to the highest quality in laboratory services. Some of the brightest minds in the industry will share their perspective on the latest developments in laboratory science, along with the essentials of CLIA compliance and accreditation.

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Laboratory Enrichment Forum Logo

CIHQ Goes to Conference Wisconsin Hospital Association: Rural Health Conference

CIHQ will attend the annual Wisconsin Rural Health Conference, a statewide forum designed to highlight public policy issues affecting rural health care, identify how the delivery of and access to rural health care are changing, and identify ways in which data and technology are improving care and access for rural populations.

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CIHQ Goes to Conference GPHA: Great Plains Health Alliance

CIHQ will attend the annual GPHA Conference, Great Plains Health Alliance is an organization of leased, managed and affiliated hospitals in Kansas and Nebraska. Since it was formed in 1950, GPHA has been committed to rural health care and the management of rural hospitals.

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