Accreditation & Regulatory Journal
December 2023

Partner Spotlight

Inventory Advantage • 210-388-7104
Meet a CIHQ Partner - Inventory Advantage
Interview with Art Guerra, November 2023
Mission Statement: Empowering hospitals with to optimize healthcare operations and financial integrity through precise fixed asset inventories.
Company Vision: Our mission is to be the trusted partner in preserving and maximizing the value of hospital assets, ensuring the foundation for a healthier future. We are dedicated to delivering accurate, innovative, and cost-effective services that empower hospitals to focus on patient care, streamline resource allocation, and meet compliance standards.
How did you come to form a partnership with CIHQ?
AG: I was introduced to CIHQ through HHS1. HHS was a long-time partner of CIHQ, and they believed Inventory Advantage could find some synergy, especially in the physical environment and plant operation spaces. We’ve had a great partnership with both organizations and appreciate the introduction.
What is the origin story? How did Inventory Advantage come about?
AG: IA came about during the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Our first partner, HHS, LLC, had an urgent need for inventory at some rural hospitals. At that time, the larger inventory companies had reduced forces and less availability for smaller accounts. IA was able to pivot into that space and complete 22 asset inventories and 7 FCAPs for HHS in the next 2 years.
How did you decide Inventory Advantage was a ‘need’ (for hospitals)?
AG: All the hospital accrediting organizations: CIHQ, CMS, TJC, DNV, and ACHC, require a written inventory. With the facilities departments struggling with staffing and keeping up with continuous compliance demands, inventories are not a priority. Having that inventory, however, will not only keep a facility in compliance and allow for the in-house staff to complete their jobs effectively. A complete inventory adds to the hospital’s ability to make sound financial decisions.
Explain (some of) your process(es) when you go into a (location). AG: Our first objective is to agree on a scope of work. Does the facility want only large, fixed assets on the inventory or each room to be included, fire dampers, etc. The scope will determine not only the pricing of an inventory but the estimated time to completion. The options are endless.
Who are your primary product users?
AG: Our history has largely been focused on the underserved market of small to medium hospitals, but we have completed inventories in simple clinic settings up to 600k square foot acute care locations.
What is your customer’s pain point, what problem does Inventory Advantage solve? Why do they need you? What is your focus (beyond inventory, obviously) - What is the benefit?
AG: What we give our customers is turnkey inventory without having to divert internal resources away from their main jobs.
How have you grown your business? What differentiates you from competitors? (who are the other guys?)
AG: We have grown organically over time, mostly by referrals from satisfied customers. Most of the other guys are bigger and that’s okay! That allows us to serve the smaller clients that still need to same attention and final product. With our smaller team, we are less intrusive, have the flexibility to be onsite when it suits the client.
It appears you have pre-determined what is important to hospitals – can they customize what you offer?
AG: In our first meeting, we provide direction of what accrediting agencies say an inventory needs to have then listen to the client of what they also want to have. We are flexible and can provide any information they need since we are in the space and doing the work already, but they must always leave with a minimum of asset location, ID or barcode, manufacturer, model and serial number.
Who is your contact within an organization interested in Inventory Advantage? How do you engage with prospective clients?
AG: The typical progression of a customer calling us starts from a facility director educating the Environment of Care committee or hospital leadership on the importance of a recent and complete inventory, then that person is tasked to make it happen.
How can people learn more about Inventory Advantage?
AG: Visit us at and send a message or call 210-388-7104.
Inventory Advantage is a specialized provider of facility fixed asset and medical equipment inventory services. If your organization is planning or preparing for an upcoming accreditation survey, a new CMMS implementation, or a refreshed and accurate asset information for capital budget planning, Inventory Advantage provides quality services to meet those needs.
Website: • Phone Number: 210-388-7104