The Mark of Distinction
How do you demonstrate to patients, payers, and your community that the care you render is truly a “cut above”?
Center of Excellence (COE) designation means that your hospital meets evidence-based standards and performance outcomes that reflect high quality and safe patient care. Standards are based – in part – on federal regulations, recommendations by professional organizations and content experts, as well as performance metrics established by the National Quality Forum.
Research has conclusively shown that hospitals that consistently deliver evidence-based care;
- Have better patient outcomes
- Reduce the incidence of errors and adverse events
- Reduce the overall cost of care
- Have higher patient satisfaction
Center of Excellence (COE) Designation is Currently Offered in the Following Areas
Click on a link to learn more about each designation type.
Center of Excellence Designation in Long-Term Acute Care (CELTAC)
Specifically developed for long-term acute care hospitals (LTACH), this designation recognizes exemplary performance in the clinical management of medically complex patients with extended acute care needs.
Center of Excellence Designation in Rehabilitation Services (CERS)
Specifically developed for rehabilitation hospitals and inpatient rehabilitation care units, this designation recognizes exemplary performance in the clinical management of patients requiring rehabilitation and medical treatment.
Center of Excellence Designation in Respiratory Therapy (CERT)
Specifically developed for acute care hospitals, this designation recognizes exemplary performance in the clinical management of medically complex patients requiring respiratory therapy using evidence-based standards of care.
Center of Excellence Designation in Environmental Health & Safety (CEEHS)
Demonstrate to your staff and your community that you are committed to a safe work environment. The CEEHS designation recognizes hospitals that have successfully implemented specific strategies to reduce risk in the work and care environment.
Center of Excellence Designation in Nursing Services (CENS)
Specifically developed for acute care hospitals, this designation recognizes exemplary performance in the provision of nursing using evidence-based standards of care and nursing outcome measures.
Center of Excellence in Palliative Care (CEPC)
Palliative care is not a disease. It’s a vital service to patients in need. This designation recognizes exemplary performance in the provision of palliative care using evidence-based standards of care and outcome measures.
Center of Excellence in Emergency Services (CEES)
Based on CIHQ standards for free-standing emergency centers endorsed by the American College of Emergency Physicians, this designation is tailored for hospital-based emergency departments that demonstrate exemplary performance in the care and management of a patient with urgent / emergent needs.
The Survey Process
To obtain a COE, a hospital must undergo a rigorous on-site survey. The survey is one or two days in length and is conducted by one of CIHQ’ senior surveyors – individuals who are specifically trained to accurately determine compliance to COE standards. The survey is announced and scheduled in coordination with the hospital.
View the Survey Activities, and Cost.
Survey Activities
The survey itself consists of a mixture of document review (including required policies and performance data), and visits to targeted areas of the hospital.
In addition, interviews with key leaders and a review of staff training records occurs.
Sample One Day Survey Agenda
- 0830 to 0845: Welcome & Opening Conference
- 0845 to 1030: Review of Requested Documents
- 1000 to 1200: Tour of Work & Care Areas
- 1200 to 1300: Lunch
- 1300 to 1500: Medical Record Review as Applicable
- 1500 to 1600: Staff Training & Education Review
- 1600 to 1630: Surveyor Preparation Time
- 1630 : Exit Conference
Fees are billed on an annual or quarterly basis as preferred by the organization. Fees include surveys and surveyor travel expenses.
- A COE designation fee for a CIHQ accredited organization is $2,700 annually.
- A COE designation fee for a non-CIHQ accredited organization is $4,700 annually.
For Further Information
Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality
P.O. Box 1540
Mexia, TX 76667-1540
Attn: Traci Curtis, Chief Operating Officer
866-324-5080, option 2
Duration Of Award
COE programs are awarded for a maximum of 36 months.
COE programs are available to any hospital regardless of their accreditor.

"Carson Tahoe Continuing Care Hospital was redesignated as a Center of Excellence in Long Term Acute Care in 2022. This demonstrates to our community and healthcare partners that the Carson Tahoe Commitment to Excellence extends across our health system. Our partnership with CIHQ is one of collaboration with a mutual goal of excellence and healthcare quality. We appreciate them!"
Valerie Linke, System Licensing and Accreditation Analyst
Carson Tahoe Health