The Mark of Distinction
How do you demonstrate to patients, payers, and your community that the care you render is truly a “cut above”?
Disease Specific Certification (DSC) is designed to recognize the provision of evidence-based best practice to targeted patient populations. DSC programs are available to any hospital regardless of their accreditor.
Research has conclusively shown that hospitals that consistently deliver evidence-based care;
- Have better patient outcomes
- Reduce the incidence of errors and adverse events
- Reduce the overall cost of care
- Have higher patient satisfaction
Disease Specific Certification (DSC) is Currently Offered in the Following Areas
Click on a link to learn more about each certification type.
Acute Stroke Ready Hospital
Acute stroke ready hospital certification is a disease specific certification designed to recognize the provision of evidence-based best practice to stroke patient populations hospitals that do not have primary or comprehensive stroke center capability. Standards are based on recommendations from the “Formation and Function of Acute Stroke–Ready Hospitals within a Stroke System of Care”, by the Brain Attack Coalition, American Heart Association / American Stroke Association.
Primary Stroke Center
Primary stroke center certification is a disease specific certification designed to recognize the provision of evidence-based best practice to stroke patient populations. The standards for disease specific certification for a primary stroke center are based primarily on the most recent iteration of the “Recommendations for the Establishment of Primary Stroke Centers” by the Brain Attack Coalition, American Heart Association / American Stroke Association.
Heart Failure
This is a disease specific certification designed to recognize the provision of evidence-based best practice to patients in heart failure. The standards for disease specific certification in heart failure are based on the most recent recommendations from the American Heart Association “Get with the Guidelines®“.
Joint Replacement Surgery
This is a disease specific certification designed to recognize the provision of evidence-based best practice to patients undergoing major joint replacement procedures. The standards for disease specific certification for joint replacement surgery are based on recommendations by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the National Institute of Health.
Primary Heart Attack Center
This is a disease specific certification is designed to recognize the provision of evidence-based best practice to patients experiencing a heart attack requiring interventional cardiac services. The standards for this disease specific certification is based on the 2021 American Heart Association Guideline for Artery Revascularization and the 2020 American Heart Association Acute Coronary Syndrome Algorithm.
The Survey Process
To obtain a Disease Specific Certification, a hospital must undergo a rigorous on-site survey. The survey is one or two days in length and is conducted by one of CIHQ’ senior surveyors – individuals who are specifically trained to accurately determine compliance to DSC standards. The survey is announced and scheduled in coordination with the hospital.
View the Survey Activities, and Cost.
Survey Activities
The survey itself consists of a mixture of document review (including required policies and performance data), and visits to targeted areas of the hospital.
In addition, interviews with key leaders and a review of staff training records occurs.
Sample One Day Survey Agenda
- 0830 to 0845: Welcome & Opening Conference
- 0845 to 1030: Review of Requested Documents
- 1000 to 1200: Tour of Work & Care Areas
- 1200 to 1300: Lunch
- 1300 to 1500: Medical Record Review as Applicable
- 1500 to 1600: Staff Training & Education Review
- 1600 to 1630: Surveyor Preparation Time
- 1630 : Exit Conference
Fees are billed on an annual or quarterly basis as preferred by the organization. Fees include surveys and surveyor travel expenses.
- A DSC designation fee for a CIHQ accredited organization is $2,700 annually.
- A DSC designation fee for a non-CIHQ accredited organization is $4,700 annually.
For Further Information
Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality
P.O. Box 1540
Mexia, TX 76667-1540
Attn: Traci Curtis, Chief Operating Officer
866-324-5080, option 2
Duration Of Award
DSC programs are awarded for a maximum of 36 months.
DSC programs are available to any hospital regardless of their accreditor.

"Our Primary Stroke program is wonderful and we have an amazing core team that have been in place since our initial certification. The CIHQ certification identifies our facility as a higher level of care to treat patients that are exhibiting signs and symptoms of a stroke. Certified facilities are required to use a structured multidisciplinary approach to care that help improve patient outcomes. The certification is also required for our participation in the state level emergency treatment system which recognized the CIHQ program. In that system, our facility is easily identified by EMS as a Primary Level II facility and helps to get patients to the nearest and most appropriate facility."
Tamara Ardoin, RN, Director
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas