Accreditation & Regulatory Journal
February 2024

Partner Spotlight

New to the Journal! Partner Compliance Tips

Leadership Tip of the Month – provided by CSE Leadership

Active Listening and Leadership Visibility:
Leader visibility during listening sessions such as Connection Conversations™ (Rounding) allows for real-time information gathering from patients, their families, and healthcare professionals. This deepens leader understanding of what’s occurring beyond their office doors and helps to better address issues, make informed decisions and recognize performance…. all leading to improved quality improvement and patient safety.
Want to know more? Contact Lara Burnside

Nutrition and Dietary Services Tip of the Month – provided by HCSG Corporation

How Can an EVS Partnership Bring Peace of Mind?
Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions that meet the unique needs of your community through a customized cleaning program. This unique approach will ensure high standards of cleanliness are maintained, reduce the spread of illness, and support a safe environment for residents, staff, and guests to enjoy. Training & Staffing Confidence in a well-staffed and trained department can offer peace of mind to healthcare leaders. Identify tools and resources to implement hands-on, continuous training for employees at every level on infection prevention and control, proper hygiene, and proper use of personal protective equipment.
More in March!  Healthcare Services Group

Sterilization and Disinfection Tip of the Month – Provided by Dr. SPD

Sterile processing plays a critical role in ensuring patient safety and preventing healthcare-associated infections. Within this field, quality assurance is of utmost importance to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of sterilization processes. It encompasses activities aimed at ensuring processes consistently meet established standards. Monitor, evaluate, improve the quality of:
  -personnel involved
Watch this space as we explore the role and significance of quality within sterile processing, highlighting its impact on patient outcomes.
Have Questions? Contact or

Risk Management Tip of the Month – Provided by Medical Interactive Community

Return to the original intent of the consent process: patient education.
Patients have more choices than ever before about new procedures and treatments. The proliferation of medical news in the popular media fuels unrealistic expectations for a perfect outcome, making a truly Informed Consent more important than ever.
However, Informed Consent continues to be a source of medical error and medical malpractice claims. Obtaining consent is sometimes delegated to someone other than the physician performing the procedure; it is sometimes reduced to obtaining a signature on a piece of paper. As a result, written consent can be perceived by the patient as a waiver of liability for the physician and facility, and not a benefit to the patient.
Recent evidence suggests a return to the original intent of the consent process: Patient Education. It is believed that returning to an educational model will result in a better educated, more medically compliant patient population with better outcomes and fewer lawsuits.
To learn more about the necessary components of the consent process and how these may be integrated into an educational model, explore our online course “Beyond Informed Consent”.
Use the code CIHQ for 50% off.
Medical Interactive