Accreditation & Regulatory Journal
January 2024


My Christmas Gift to You

By: Richard Curtis
Instead of a blog this week, please accept the below as
my Christmas gift to you. It’s my take on the
classic: “The Night before Christmas”.
It was the night before Christmas
And all through the ward
Not a patient was stirring
The staff was so bored
But we decided to humor
This old man in red
So with pillow and blanket
We tucked him in bed
The Ambien was placed
On the counter with care
In hopes that insomniacs
Soon would be there
He slept for an hour
We bade him: “Sleep more”
But he said: “I’ve a schedule”
As he made for the door
We made our rounds
And the patients seemed fine
IV’s in place
And no complaints of a kind
We laughed to ourselves
As we made our goodbyes
For no one believed
He had reindeer to fly
So we started our paperwork
Oh there’s so much
Stuff this and stamp that
And file such and such
He stopped at the door
For our thoughts he had read
He looked at us sadly
And softly he said:
The hours wore on
And our eyelids grew heavy
Those snuggled in bed
On this eve we did envy
“I remember you as children
With wide-eyed innocent stares
Gazing at a Christmas tree
Filled with answers to prayers
When suddenly was heard
A thump and a shout
Had a patient fallen
While being up and about?
But now you’ve grown up
Your dreams are no more
To you, I’m not real
Just ancient folklore
We rushed towards the sound
And to our surprise
Found a jolly old man
Brushing snow from his thighs
But as long as a child
Wants to believe
I’ll fly round this world
On each Christmas Eve”
He had a thick white beard
And was dressed all in red
His eyes they did twinkle
And chuckling he said
He boarded his sleigh
The reindeer took off in flight
And for one special moment
We were children that night
“I’ve been round the world
My reindeer and I
We’ve stopped for a rest
I hope you don’t mind”
It was the best gift
One could ever receive
Being in a hospital
On Christmas Eve
A smile passed between us
As we me his friendly gaze
This was just another story
By a poor man half crazed
May you and yours have a blessed Christmas and a great holiday!